Results for 'D. E. Mario'

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  1. Davidson's naturalism.D. E. Mario - 2008 - In Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (eds.), Knowledge, Language, and Interpretation: On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Ontos Verlag. pp. 14--183.
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  2. Partiti e Stato nella crisi dello Stato libérale (1918-1926).Mario D'addio - 2003 - Studium 99 (3):389-419.
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    Natura e società nel pensiero di Edmund Burke.Mario D'Addio - 2008 - Milano: Giuffrè editore.
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    Democrazia e partiti in Luigi Sturzo.Mario D'Addio - 2009 - Lungro di Cosenza, Italia: Marco.
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    Politica e sociologia in Luigi Sturzo.Mario D'Addio, Alberto Di Giovanni & Eugenio Guccione (eds.) - 1981 - Milano: Massimo.
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  6. New books. [REVIEW]C. D. Broad, Richard Robinson, H. B. Acton, George E. Hughes, T. D. Weldon, Mario M. Rossi, A. C. Ewing, C. J. Holloway, J. P. Corbett, C. W. K. Mundle, W. B. Gallie, W. Mays, A. H. Armstrong, C. K. Grant & I. M. Cromble - 1949 - Mind 58 (229):101-130.
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  7. Livre second = Liber II.Avec la Collaboration de Nicolas de Araujo ÉDition Critique Par Mario Turchetti & préface D'Yves Charles Zarka - 2013 - In Jean Bodin (ed.), Les Six livres de la République =. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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    Combining Gamma With Alpha and Beta Power Modulation for Enhanced Cortical Mapping in Patients With Focal Epilepsy.Mario E. Archila-Meléndez, Giancarlo Valente, Erik D. Gommer, João M. Correia, Sanne ten Oever, Judith C. Peters, Joel Reithler, Marc P. H. Hendriks, William Cornejo Ochoa, Olaf E. M. G. Schijns, Jim T. A. Dings, Danny M. W. Hilkman, Rob P. W. Rouhl, Bernadette M. Jansma, Vivianne H. J. M. van Kranen-Mastenbroek & Mark J. Roberts - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    About one third of patients with epilepsy have seizures refractory to the medical treatment. Electrical stimulation mapping is the gold standard for the identification of “eloquent” areas prior to resection of epileptogenic tissue. However, it is time-consuming and may cause undesired side effects. Broadband gamma activity recorded with extraoperative electrocorticography during cognitive tasks may be an alternative to ESM but until now has not proven of definitive clinical value. Considering their role in cognition, the alpha and beta bands could further (...)
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    The phase-field model in tumor growth.Rui D. M. Travasso, Mario Castro & Joana C. R. E. Oliveira - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):183-206.
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    Complete, Recursively Enumerable Relations in Arithmetic.Giovanna D'Agostino & Mario Magnago - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (1):65-72.
    Using only propositional connectives and the provability predicate of a Σ1-sound theory T containing Peano Arithmetic we define recursively enumerable relations that are complete for specific natural classes of relations, as the class of all r. e. relations, and the class of all strict partial orders. We apply these results to give representations of these classes in T by means of formulas.
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    Psychological Treatments and Psychotherapies in the Neurorehabilitation of Pain: Evidences and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Maurice E. Troyer, William T. Lowe, Mario D. Fantini, Jerome Seelig, Charles E. Kozoll, Douglas Ray, Michael H. Miller, John Spiess, William K. Wiener, Harry Dykstra, James B. Wilson, Richard Nelson & Mark Phillips - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (3):159-170.
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    Psychological Considerations in the Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Neurorehabilitation and Psychological Factors Predictive of Therapeutic Response: Evidence and Recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation.Gianluca Castelnuovo, Emanuele M. Giusti, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Donatella Saviola, Arianna Gatti, Samantha Gabrielli, Marco Lacerenza, Giada Pietrabissa, Roberto Cattivelli, Chiara A. M. Spatola, Stefania Corti, Margherita Novelli, Valentina Villa, Andrea Cottini, Carlo Lai, Francesco Pagnini, Lorys Castelli, Mario Tavola, Riccardo Torta, Marco Arreghini, Loredana Zanini, Amelia Brunani, Paolo Capodaglio, Guido E. D'Aniello, Federica Scarpina, Andrea Brioschi, Lorenzo Priano, Alessandro Mauro, Giuseppe Riva, Claudia Repetto, Camillo Regalia, Enrico Molinari, Paolo Notaro, Stefano Paolucci, Giorgio Sandrini, Susan G. Simpson, Brenda Wiederhold & Stefano Tamburin - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Adding logic to the toolbox of molecular biology.Giovanni Boniolo, Marcello D’Agostino, Mario Piazza & Gabriele Pulcini - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (3):399-417.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that logic can play an important role in the “toolbox” of molecular biology. We show how biochemical pathways, i.e., transitions from a molecular aggregate to another molecular aggregate, can be viewed as deductive processes. In particular, our logical approach to molecular biology — developed in the form of a natural deduction system — is centered on the notion of Curry-Howard isomorphism, a cornerstone in nineteenth-century proof-theory.
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    Atypical Modulations of N170 Component during Emotional Processing and Their Links to Social Behaviors in Ex-combatants.Sandra P. Trujillo, Stella Valencia, Natalia Trujillo, Juan E. Ugarriza, Mónica V. Rodríguez, Jorge Rendón, David A. Pineda, José D. López, Agustín Ibañez & Mario A. Parra - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  16. " Stile e umanità": gli studi vichiani di Mario Fubini.D. Francesco - 1980 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 10:59-119.
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  17. L'autodifesa in Tommaso d'Aquino: Metafisica e azione: Nuovi approcci al tomismo.Mario Ricciardi - 2001 - Divus Thomas 104 (2):62-89.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Lynn Ilon, Alan J. Deyoung, Thomas R. Bidell, Sally Lubeck, Jean I. Erdman, Christine M. Shea, Anne E. Campbell, Kathryn A. Woolard, Bruce Beezer, Mario D. Fantini, Robert M. Ryan, D. D. Darland, Charles A. Tesconi Jr, Louis A. Petrone, Georgia C. Collins & Manning M. Pattillo Jr - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):279-356.
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  19. Normal, naturel, normatif dans l'éthique d'Aristote.Mario Vegetti - 2000 - Etica E Politica 2 (2).
    In Aristotle's ethics and anthropology the concept of normality or regularity, nature and norm subtly imply each other reciprocally. The ethical criterium, explored throughout Nicomachean Ethics is that illustrated in detail by the "normal" conduct of the so called spoudaios. The point of contact between normality and naturalness is on the other side offered by the concept of physis, analysed both in Physics and in the biological works. Nature is what happens for the most, i.e. within the field of regularity (...)
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    Walter Benjamin: History, experience, and modernity.Mario Alejandro Molano - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (154):165-190.
    Desde finales del siglo XX, las investigaciones sobre modernidad, orientadas hacia distintos segmentos del campo cultural, han venido ganando un enorme terreno. Las obras de Walter Benjamin, leídas en esta perspectiva, cobran un gran valor. Se busca explorar cuatro temas benjaminianos: a) algunos aspectos de su concepto de historia; b) el concepto de experiencia, para mostrar su dimensión histórico-crítica con respecto al ascenso de la cultura moderna; c) las afinidades entre el modo en que se desarrolla la visión alegórica en (...)
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    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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  22. A general conceptual framework for decoherence in closed and open systems.Mario Castagnino, Roberto Laura & Olimpia Lombardi - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):968-980.
    In this paper we argue that the formalisms for decoherence originally devised to deal just with closed or open systems can be subsumed under a general conceptual framework, in such a way that they cooperate in the understanding of the same physical phenomenon. This new perspective dissolves certain conceptual difficulties of the einselection program but, at the same time, shows that the openness of the quantum system is not the essential ingredient for decoherence. †To contact the authors, please write to: (...)
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    Estudos Neokantianos, de Mario Ariel González Porta.Lucas A. D. Amaral - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):310-317.
    Talvez “redescobrimento” seja uma caracterização adequada para designar o _status_ do movimento neokantiano atualmente. Se, por um lado, o neokantismo tem recebido uma maior atenção em diversos lugares da Europa, América do norte, Ásia, e em alguns países da América Latina, por outro, na ainda jovem cultura filosófica brasileira, o estudo desse importante e decisivo movimento é algo atípico dentro de nossas instituições de ensino, para dizer o mínimo. De fato, a quantidade de trabalhos acadêmicos, artigos e livros sobre as (...)
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    A Hellenistic Puzzle - (C.) Cusset, (E.) Prioux (edd.) Lycophron: éclats d'obscurité. Actes du colloque international de Lyon et Saint-Étienne 18–20 janvier 2007. (Centre Jean Palerne, Mémoires 33.) Pp. 761, ills, map. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2009. Paper, €39. ISBN: 978-2-86272-491-1. [REVIEW]Marios Skempis - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):435-437.
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    Dire la complexité du monde: Teilhard de Chardin au regard de penseurs de notre temps.Mario Craviari - 2018 - [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger Éditions. Edited by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
    Porté par la pensée structurante de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, ce livre rassemble un ensemble de textes tirés d'auteurs multiples.
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    Philosophie Nach Kant: Neue Wege Zum Verständnis von Kants Transzendental- Und Moralphilosophie.Mario Egger (ed.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Insbesondere die Tragfähigkeit des transzendentalen Idealismus für Kants Metaphysik der Natur sowie die Schlüssigkeit seiner Moralphilosophie stehen in den Beiträgen des Bandes erneut auf dem Prüfstand. Zentrale Konzepte von Kants Transzendental- und Moralphilosophie, wie Substanz, Zeit, Freiheit und der kategorische Imperativ, werdenvor dem Hintergrund der Frage behandelt, wo Kant im Spannungsfeld zwischen traditionellem und modernem Wissenschaftsverständnis zu verorten ist. Bedeutende Vertreter der Kantforschung (u.a. H. E. Allison, P. Guyer, D. Schönecker, M.Caimi, H. Schmitz) liefern im vorliegenden Band Klärungen: Sie ordnen (...)
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    Fractional-Valued Modal Logic and Soft Bilateralism.Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini & Matteo Tesi - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (3):275-299.
    In a recent paper, under the auspices of an unorthodox variety of bilateralism, we introduced a new kind of proof-theoretic semantics for the base modal logic \(\mathbf{K}\), whose values lie in the closed interval \([0,1]\) of rational numbers [14]. In this paper, after clarifying our conception of bilateralism – dubbed “soft bilateralism” – we generalize the fractional method to encompass extensions and weakenings of \(\mathbf{K}\). Specifically, we introduce well-behaved hypersequent calculi for the deontic logic \(\mathbf{D}\) and the non-normal modal logics (...)
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    Neuroetica: la nascita di un nuovo tipo di antropologia?Andrea Lavazza & Mario De Caro - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 4 (3):252-263.
    Nel presente testo si propone un approccio alla neuroetica che si prefigge di attribuirle uno specifico ambito d’indagine in quanto esplorazione di ciò che apprendiamo su noi stessi e sul nostro “funzionamento”, grazie principalmente alle neuroscienze. In altre parole, si tratta di un nuovo genere di antropologia che si occupa dell’intersezione di diverse discipline la quale acquista sempre maggiore centralità nel dibattito contemporaneo a motivo della forte naturalizzazione delle indagini sugli esseri umani. L’oggetto di studio – alla luce di questa (...)
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  29. Tra legge e virtù. La filosofia pratica angloamericana contemporanea. A cura di Angelo Campodonico.Angelo Campodonico, Sergio Cremaschi, Massimo Reichlin, Roberto Mordacci, Alberto Pirni & Mario Ricciardi - 2004 - Genova: Il nuovo melangolo.
    Nella seconda metà del Novecento la conoscenza dell'etica anglosassone in Italia è stata alquanto parziale. Si pensava che il mondo dell'etica di lingua inglese fosse stato dominato nel Novecento dallo scientismo neopositivista o pragmatista che non riusciva a concepire l'etica se non nella forma tecnicizzata dell'analisi del linguaggio o metaetica. In questo modo si è ignorata tutta una ripresa dell'etica normativa, in particolare di Kant e di Aristotele, o la ripresa del diritto naturale che ha tra i suoi principali riferimenti (...)
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  30. Chiesa cattolica e guerra d'Etiopia: il caso di Mario Borello (1893-1981) missionario della Consolata.F. Molinari - 1990 - Humanitas 45 (3):322-346.
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    Selves and brains: Tracing a path between interactionism and materialism.Thomas E. Ludwig - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (4):489-495.
    A dialog between Donald MacKay and Mario Bunge, printed in the journal Neuroscience over the course of two years beginning in 1977, provides a conscise summary of MacKay's views on the mind-body relationship. In this dialog, MacKay contrasts the dualistic interactionism theory of Popper and Eccles with Bunge's emergentist materialism theory, and then builds a case for a third alternative based on the notion of mental events embodied in, but not identical to, brain events. Although neuroscience has made tremendous (...)
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    Salvatore Cerasuolo, Mario Capasso, Angelo D'Ambrosio: Carlo Maria Rosini : un umanista flegreo fra due secoli. Pp. 281; 16 plates. Pozzuoli: Azienda Autonoma di Cura, Soggiorno e Turismo di Pozzuoli, 1986. Paper. [REVIEW]I. C. McIlwaine - 1988 - The Classical Review 38 (1):190-190.
  33.  14
    Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader.Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling (eds.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The work of the lay Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain continues to provoke and inspire readers to engage in a Thomistic approach to many of the questions facing the world today. Maritain’s wide-ranging thought touched on many fields, including aesthetics, anthropology, educational theory, moral philosophy, and ethics, as well as Thomism and its relationship to other philosophical stances._ In _Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader_, Mario O. D’Souza, C.S.B., has selected seven hundred and fifty of the most salient (...)
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    The Education of Natural Intelligence and the Intellectual Virtues.Mario O. D’Souza - 1995 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 11:234-246.
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    Toward a Canadian Political Philosophy of Education.Mario D'Souza - 1994 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 7 (2):13-24.
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    La logica in Mario Vittorino e Agostino d'Ippona: una proposta metodologica per l'approccio a testi filosofico-teologici.Giuseppe Balido - 2019 - Napoli: EDI, Editrice Domenicana italiana s.r.l..
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    Emily Dickinson's "Dying Eye".Mario D'Avanzo - 1967 - Renascence 19 (2):110-111.
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    The Person, Natural Law, and the Good of Pluralist Societies: Some Thoughts from Maritain’s Political Philosophy.Mario O. D’Souza - 2008 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 24:3-18.
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    Came a Wind Like a Bugle.Mario L. D'Avanzo - 1964 - Renascence 17 (1):29-31.
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    Buchbesprechungen.Jacinto Rivera de Rosales, Achim D. Köddermann, Ivano Petrocchi & Riccardo Pozzo - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (1):127-133.
    Immanuel Kant : La polímica sobre la Crítica de la razón pura. Introducción de Claudio La Rocca. Edición y traducción de Mario Caimi. Boadilla del Monte , Mónimo Tránsito y Antonio Machado Libros, 2002, 203 S. ISBN 84-7774-758-X. Kant verstehen. Understanding Kant. Über die Interpretation philosophischer Texte. Hrsg. von Dieter Schönecker und Thomas Zwenger. Darmstadt 2001, 344 S., ISBN 3-534-15207-7 2. unveränd. Auflage 2004. Maria Antonietta Pranteda: Il legno storto. I significati del male in Kant. Torino: Leo S. Olschki, (...)
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    Being, Becoming, and the Philosophical Transformation of the Self.Mario D’Souza - 2011 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 7:51-61.
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    D'Auria Claudio Mario Vittorio: Alethia. Precatio e primo libro. Introduzione, testo latino, traduzione e commento. Pp. 382. Naples: Clio Press, 2014. Paper, €30. ISBN: 978-88-88904-18-4. [REVIEW]Elena Castelnuovo - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (2):606-606.
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  43. Proper Names, Descriptions and Quantifier Phrases.Mario D'Angelo & Ernesto Napoli - 2000 - In Diego Marconi (ed.), Knowledge and Meaning: Topics in Analytic Philosophy. Mercurio. pp. 195--234.
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    A Catholic Philosophy of Education: The Church and Two Philosophers.Mario O. D'Souza - 2016 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Today’s pluralist and multicultural society raises questions about how to teach religiously and ethnically diverse students in Catholic schools. A Catholic Philosophy of Education addresses these challenges by examining the documents from the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education alongside the writings of Jacques Maritain and Bernard Lonergan. Mario D’Souza proposes a contemporary formulation for a Catholic philosophy of education in which the ideals of Catholicism form the basis for the mission of the Catholic school. Drawing on the Church’s educational (...)
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  45. Buddhist Fictionalism.Mario D’Amato - 2013 - Sophia 52 (3):409-424.
    Questions regarding what exists are central to various forms of Buddhist philosophy, as they are to many traditions of philosophy. Interestingly, there is perhaps a clearer consensus in Buddhist thought regarding what does not exist than there may be regarding precisely what does exist, at least insofar as the doctrine of anātman (no self, absence of self) is taken to be a fundamental Buddhist doctrine. It may be noted that many forms of Mahāyāna Buddhist philosophy in particular are considered to (...)
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    Information integration across saccadic eye movements.D. E. Irwin - 1991 - Cognitive Psychology 23:420-56.
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    The Preparation of Teachers for Roman Catholic schools: Some Philosophical First Principles.Mario D'Souza - 1996 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 9 (2):5-19.
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    The 'Right' Not to know.D. E. Ost - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (3):301-312.
    There is a common view in medical ethics that the patient's right to be informed entails, as well, a correlative right not to be informed, i.e., to waive one's right to information. This paper argues, from a consideration of the concept of autonomy as the foundation for rights, that there can be no such ‘right’ to refuse relevant information, and that the claims for such a right are inconsistent with both deontological and utilitarian ethics. Further, the right to be informed (...)
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    Something Rather Than Nothing: Human Living and the Christian Philosophy of History.Mario D'Souza - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (3):584-598.
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    Pointing at the moon: Buddhism, logic, analytic philosophy.Mario D'Amato, Jay L. Garfield & Tom J. F. Tillemans (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects essays by philosophers and scholars working at the interface of Western philosophy and Buddhist Studies. Many have distinguished scholarly records in Western philosophy, with expertise in analytic philosophy and logic, as well as deep interest in Buddhist philosophy. Others have distinguished scholarly records in Buddhist Studies with strong interests in analytic philosophy and logic. All are committed to the enterprise of cross-cultural philosophy and to bringing the insights and techniques of each tradition to bear in order to (...)
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